For more info contact Cantor Tiep: | 760-436-0654

Adult B’nei Mitzvah

Often when people come to us and ask if we offer an “Adult B’nei Mitzvah” program, they sheepishly apologize or mention that they’re “late to the party” or “probably should have done this already” or some other qualifier – as if to imply that they are embarrassed that they never became b’nei mitzvah. There is no “late” when it comes to the embarking on the fascinating, enlivening, and challenging journey of becoming b’nei mitzvah and all the work, thought, and heart that goes into it. Doing it now or in the future does not detract from the holiness and meaning it can have.

So, with that in mind, I’m asking all of you – are you an adult and interested in becoming a b’nei mitzvah? If so, you’re in luck! Rabbi Berk and I are offering an Adult B’nei Mitzvah cohort starting in fall 2023.

Maybe you’re reading this and you’re sure that, yes absolutely, you want to give this gift to yourself! Maybe you’re unsure and need more information. Either way – email me and let’s talk about it.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

– Cantor Tiep

What is it?

An immersive cohort of devoted adults looking to deepen their connection to Jewish learning, Jewish life, Jewish spirituality and Jewish connection – together. Approaching richer tradition, meaningful ritual, profound enrichment through sophisticated and nuanced Jewish exploration.

When is it?

Select Sunday Mornings:

Learning Together with Rabbi Berk: Study of Here All Along, by Sarah Hurwitz; & Cantor Tiep: Prayer and the Art of Praying

Hebrew Reading and Comprehension with two qualified instructors

How much does it cost?

The registration fee is $360.

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