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Religious & Hebrew School Opportunities for Teens

Madrichim - Hebrew Helpers (Grade 8)
Ozrim - Classroom Assistant (Grades 9-10)
Gesher - Assistant Teacher (Grades 11-12)

Madrichim (“guides” in Hebrew) are 8th grade teens that work one-on-one with Religious and Hebrew School students to learn Hebrew decoding, blessings, and prayers. These volunteers earn community service credit hours, develop tutoring and coaching skills, and improve their own Hebrew abilities by helping students learn the basics. 

Ozrim (“helpers” in Hebrew), for 9th and 10th graders, assist teachers in the Religious School classroom on Sunday mornings and serve as role models for the students. These volunteers’ responsibilities include tutoring students, working with small groups, preparing administrative and educational experiences, and facilitating activities. The Ozrim make a commitment to work every session of Religious and Hebrew School.

The Gesher Program (“bridge” in Hebrew), for 11th and 12th graders, provides opportunities for high school juniors and seniors to work as Assistant Teachers in Religious and Hebrew classes. Assistant Teachers prepare and lead experiential educational lessons, help plan all-school events and programs, are mentored by Religious and Hebrew School Lead Teachers and the Religious School Principal, and learn skills essential to becoming a Lead Teacher. Being an Assistant Teacher in the Gesher Program is a paid position. 

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